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Station duo app development

We have created an android app to run on Clover station duo previously known as station pro. We are able to install its first apk version on station pro devkit and its running on merchant device correctly with creating a cart. Now we are in development phase of its features of displaying that cart to customer and charge payments etc.

Currently the customer facing (mini) displays our app business logo only while the app on merchant facing is opened. I have connected the devkit with a laptop for debugging and sideload development apk into the device for testing.

As REST API's and REST Pay display is not available for clover station family. I have integrated IDisplayConnector for show welcome, displayOrder and thankyou screen on customer facing but nothing changes in Customer facing screen on above interface usage as well.

1 - Is this interface usable for clover station family(having two screens) or not? Do we need to upload apk every time to test above requirements through app preview market or sideloading is fine to be used to detect changes on customer facing?

2 - Clover docs recommend to use Customer Facing Platform to develop apps for merchant facing and customer facing devices(clover station family with two screens).
a) - Is this below answered community question correct for having single app apk for both merchant and customer screens(custom activities relative to the screens).
b) - Can this be tested by only sideloading the apk into devkit device vis adb or upload apk to app preview market again for detecting UI changes/behavior on customer screen?

3) - Is it possible to connect or get control of customer facing screen via adb like merchant facing. for now we cannot perform any action directly on this screen?


Clover Android SDKsemi-integrationsclover developer communityClover StationDeveloper Pay API
10 |2000

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