
pritesh25 avatar image
pritesh25 asked David Marginian commented

External Printers(Star micronics TSP100 LAN & SP700 LAN) is disconnecting inconsistently.

I have Clover C500 and C503 who are additionally connected with External printer known as Star Micronics(TSP100 LAN & SP700 LAN).

The problem which i'm facing right now is my external printer gets disconneted inconsistently and sometime it get connected by ownself.

During printing process this issue create huge problem when order received and need to auto print.

This issue is still happening right now form last 2 months till now.

Help me to find root cause about this issue.

For better understanding i inserted video url with this post below.

Thank you.

External Printer Recorded Video

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian commented

Are you a Clover merchant or a Clover developer trying to test this printer set-up? If you are a Clover merchant, have you contacted Clover support?

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pritesh25 avatar image pritesh25 commented ·

I am Developing App with Clover SDK, I developed module to print receipts in Star Micronics printers(Star micronics TSP100 LAN & SP700 LAN).

But I found that Star Micronics printers got disconnected from clover automatically and sometime it get connected automatically as shown in video.

Due to this issue auto printing feature didnt work well since device disconnecting from clover.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ pritesh25 commented ·
Have you tried checking the device logs via ADB?
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pritesh25 avatar image pritesh25 David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

As shown in video, we unable to find any event by which we can verify why above issue is happening.

We just saved network info such as ip address and port when device connnected successfully but above mentioned issue happening very frequently and due to that it's difficult for us to communicate with external printer while printing.

Let me know why external printer are disconnecting automatically. Since it was not happening before but from last few weeks.

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