
vhernandez avatar image
vhernandez asked vhernandez commented

Set custom data before a transaction call and retrieve it on the response


I'm coding an android app that works with the Secure network display, I'm wondering if there is any way to set data before perform a request such as (sale, pre auth, capture etc) and recover that data on the response?.

Thank you for your help.

Clover Android SDKsecure network pay displayRemote Pay Android
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered vhernandez commented

I am not sure what the purpose of doing that would be but there is an extras property on BaseTransactionRequest that you could probably use.

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vhernandez avatar image vhernandez commented ·

Hello David, thank you for your reply.

I see I can set that property, but I don't see my map on the response, I've tested it calling

val preAuthRequest = PreAuthRequest(amount, getNextId())

preAuthRequest.extras = extras


Once I get the response onPreAuthResponse(response: PreAuthResponse?) I don't see the map.

Where can I retrieve it?


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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ vhernandez commented ·
Okay I am not sure what that is for then. Can you explain what your use case is it doesn't really make sense for you to pass something in and then just get the same value back.
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vhernandez avatar image vhernandez David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Sure, we trigger payments from a custom website to an specific device (that's running our Android app), the website sends custom data (metadata) and it needs the metadata back (on the response), that's why I'm asking. Right now I keep the metadata on memory, however the device can call multiples transaction at the same time (e.g. sale and a failed capture on BG, void on BG etc). so to keep the metadata on memory is not useful anymore.

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