
vhernandez avatar image
vhernandez asked wimenag6 answered

Is there any way to add custom properties (sale/preauth) using clover remote pay android sdk?


I'm working on an android app using remote pay android sdk, backend needs me to send custom data on the payment, then they will be able to retrieve them querying the payment, is there any way to do it?

Looking the clover documentation, I have found the extras property (seems to be for it), however when they retrieve the payment, they do not see the properties sent. is the any way to accomplish it?

Thank you for all your help

Clover Android SDKsecure network pay displayRemote Pay Android
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered vhernandez commented

I believe extras is used to set values at the gateway level. I am not sure what you mean by "however when they retrieve the payment". Where are "they" trying to retrieve the payment from?

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vhernandez avatar image vhernandez commented ·

Hello David,

Thanks for helping out with this. they retrieve it from the rest api :

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vhernandez avatar image vhernandez vhernandez commented ·
So there is no way?
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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ vhernandez commented ·

As I have previously advised, if you want to associate some additional properties with a payment, you need to do so in your POS.

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wimenag6 avatar image
wimenag6 answered

Yes, you can add custom properties such as sale or "preauth" using the Clover Remote Pay Android SDK by utilizing the custom transaction settings feature. The SDK allows developers to specify custom transaction types and additional parameters when initiating payment requests. By defining these custom properties in your payment configuration, you can tailor the transaction flow to meet your specific requirements, whether it's for a sale, pre-authorization, or other custom payment operations. This flexibility ensures that you can seamlessly integrate Clover's payment processing capabilities into your Android application, enhancing the user experience and meeting your business needs.

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