
janedoe avatar image
janedoe asked David Marginian Deactivated edited

Can an order be deleted when it has only been printed, but not paid?

Hi, my question is as the title states. I have noticed that my employer will delete cash sale orders after the ticket has been printed but before I ever see it marked as “paid”. I am concerned about potential fraud - does this mean they cashed it out themselves in the system, and they deleted it after (legal), or are they somehow erasing the order?

From what I can tell about Clover, and not being able to delete orders after you printed the receipt, this shouldn’t be possible but I was wondering.

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered David Marginian Deactivated edited

An order can be deleted until it has been paid for. If a payment receipt prints then the order has been paid for. But an order receipt (generally for the kitchen) can print prior to payment (e.g. scheduled order, pickup and pay in store).

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