
mcdev avatar image
mcdev asked jonathan8312 answered

Orders created through the REST API are not showing up on my account.

I am attempting to create orders and add line items to the newly created orders by using the v3 REST API. This will not be part of an application, but merely to populate data for testing purposes so I am using a simple REST client to issue the POST.

I receive a success message in response to the POST. It includes the generated ID for the order (or line item). I am able to request the specific order by ID. However, the order does not get returned when requesting all orders. It also does not show up in my orders view via my online portal for the merchant account. I have tried creating the orders with testMode set to true and false, but the results are the same in both cases. How can I create orders via the v3 API that will be returned in all scenarios?

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q-factor avatar image q-factor commented ·

When you create these orders, do you set the "state" property for the order ? Please check on the specific order returned from API.

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mcdev avatar image mcdev commented ·

That seems to have helped. I was able to get them to show up as OPEN by using the state of OPEN. Where can I find a list of all valid state values? The documentation simply lists state as an optional string field.

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mcdev avatar image
mcdev answered pankaj commented

As q_factor indicated, the state value needs to be provided in the POST to create the order. The valid values for state as provided by Mark R are: OPEN | PAID | REFUNDED | CREDITED | PARTIALLY PAID | PARTIALLY REFUNDED | MANUALLY REFUNDED

Note that MANUALLY REFUNDED was added in v3.

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pankaj avatar image pankaj commented ·

I am using Clover API v3, Can you please tell the method Name that I can use to get list of Payment Status liek you mentioned above? OPEN | PAID | REFUNDED | CREDITED | PARTIALLY PAID | PARTIALLY REFUNDED I have also posted on question here:

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jonathan8312 avatar image
jonathan8312 answered
When creating an order, make sure to set the state to open or you won’t see the order show up with the rest of your orders.
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