
Prasad avatar image
Prasad asked Prasad commented

Sandbox Clover :Placed Orders are Not Displaying in Merchant Orders table

HI Guys ,

Actually i followed a Flow to place order . Let me Show you .

Create Order by api
       Create Line Items by Api
                Use Existing Tender Id
                     Create Payment for Order  - Done

Where i can see the order details by Clicking on Payment Order Reference Id but Not in the Order table . Is this a Bug or Am I Missing some thing ?

Reference Screens : ( unfortunately i cannot upload screens due to less reputation)

Can you guys suggest me something please ?

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1 Answer

jim-patel avatar image
jim-patel answered Prasad commented

You have to update the order state and mark it open in order for it to show up. That is most likely what you're missing.

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Prasad avatar image Prasad commented ·

Sure I understood Mr.Jim Patel . But as per the Expecting payload by order Update api there is no flag field which supports to update state of order in v3(endpoint).. Sharing result of order after payment : Could you please hint what field iam missing in "Order state update" pov .

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Prasad avatar image Prasad commented ·

@ Jim patel thanks i got it ... displaying now cheers

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