
akhilmisri17 avatar image
akhilmisri17 asked David Marginian Deactivated answered

My developer account has not been approved yet

I have submitted my account for approval on 10/08/2021 at 1:21 PM. Still waiting for the approval, may I know how long will it take for our account to be approved? Or is there any information that is pending from our side. We tried writing to but still no response. Our developer ID is ZESTG34QPA8V8.

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bobbygill avatar image
bobbygill answered

I also submitted by developer account on 10/8/2021 and have still not been approved. Could you please let me know what the status is? My developer ID is VJRJDY14T5K5G

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pointsplenty avatar image
pointsplenty answered

My developer account has still not been approved. My developer id is NGZ3FPJ0457YR

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