
duyen avatar image
duyen asked lauraki2 answered

Why show error Invalid claim state when I set pass for production account?

I create production account by link:

I got the email with link to set the password for production account.

But after i set the password, it's show error: Invalid claim state.

my email:

Please help me.

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

Are you sure you don't have multiple sessions open in the browser (like a Clover sandbox session in one tab?). If you do close all of those sessions down or try a different browser.

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artsymegan avatar image
artsymegan answered artsymegan published

I am not able to access my account and it is giving me this error code "Invalid claim state". I have no sessions open or clover sandbox. And I can't get through the phone line to talk to someone and fix this problem.

How can I resolve this problem?

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lauraki2 avatar image
lauraki2 answered

Opening too many browsers is a common error, I have been able to fix it. Thank you pizza tower

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