
msargent avatar image
msargent asked Richelle Herrli answered

Developer Pay API Sunset - Will existing connected merchants continue to work?


We are currently working on migrating our web-based Ecommerce platform's Clover integration from the Clover Developer Pay API to the Ecommerce API, in case this migration is not fully finished by the sunset date of Oct 27, 2021, will merchants already connected to our Ecommerce platform still be able to process orders and payments on the old API for the time being?

Based on what I've read so far, it sounds like merchants that are already connected to our web-based Ecommerce platform will continue to be able to use the Developer Pay API, however, since our app will be removed from the Clover App Market, we will not be able to take on adding new merchants until the migration to the Ecommerce API is complete. Is this correct?

Since order creation and payment for customers occurs outside of our marketplace app as part of our web platform, the marketplace app is just used to initially connect a merchant and to update notification/print settings on the merchant's Clover POS device. Based on this, it sounds like merchants already connected will continue to function as normal.

I would really like to hear from Clover to get a confirmation that our existing merchants will continue to be able to use the Developer Pay API after 10/27/21, can anyone confirm this?

e-commerce apiDeveloper Pay API
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian edited

Developer relations will have to officially answer this. But, I believe your understanding is correct. Your app will not be available in the App Market if you don't complete the migration on or before October 27th 2021, but merchants already using your application will not be impacted. It is important to understand that the DevPay API is no longer actively supported by Clover. We will not release new features to address evolving PCI standards. For merchant security and PCI compliance, it is important to migrate your apps to Ecommerce API as soon as possible.

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Richelle Herrli avatar image
Richelle Herrli answered

Your understanding is correct. If you do not complete the migration by October 27th, DevPay API will still accept endpoint calls. However, new merchants will be unable to download and install your app until you complete your migration to Ecommerce API.

As David mentioned, DevPay API is no longer supported by Clover. We are not fixing emerging bugs and will not release new features to this API. For security and PCI compliance reasons, you should migrate your existing merchants to Ecommerce API as soon as possible. If your solution includes vaulted cards and recurring payments, the move will mean retokenizing every customer card using the new Ecommerce API as DevPay tokens cannot be used for Ecommerce API transactions.

Please also keep in mind that we recommend you use the iFrame integration of Ecommerce API as it reduces your PCI scope. If you choose to use the straight API integration, you will need to obtain PCI DSS certification or use a 3rd party API that has PCI DSS certification.

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