
jainh avatar image
jainh asked parquet76 commented

Clover API Payment endpoint

I created a developer account, created an app as per the documentation provided, In order to access any endpoint, I need to get an API key, which I did try to do using the bearer authorization with my access token, always get the 401 unauthorized error, read all the documentation, but couldn't get around it.
I just need an API key so that I can access endpoints. I need this API key to send requests frm my application to process the payment requests.

Could anyone please help me on this?

e-commerce apiAPI TokenDeveloper Pay API
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1 Answer

Ian LeBlanc avatar image
Ian LeBlanc answered parquet76 commented

check your key permissions. the error messaging is bad. Also talked to a guy in sales that said the Rest API is no longer supported but not sure thats accurate.

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