
justinsouter avatar image
justinsouter asked blanca236 edited

Certificate Password Lost - Creating New App

Our new app is a "duplicate" we created because our prior developer did not provide the certificate password to release updates. What is the correct configuration for the package provider name and anything else that must be different or can be the same as the old?

Is there some kind of guide or docs for this situation that can help us get through this nightmare with the minimum angst and mistakes and delays?


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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered

I am not aware of a guide for such a scenario. There will be a few things you may need to change and you should be able to figure that out relatively easily when you upload your APK. I would of course recommend you do this in sandbox to figure out what needs to be done.

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blanca236 avatar image
blanca236 answered blanca236 edited


Thanks to giving you this type of information.

Best Regard

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