I am receiving reports that an update we applied and pushed to a release group is causing merchant's app to crash.
I repackaged the project at the default apk - the same one in prod for the majority of merchants - and installed it on a Dev Mini Gen 2. I then uploaded the updated apk version to the sandbox env. I then tried to sync to download the updated version. When I did, I got this in the log file.
EOCD signature does not match. This is a bad zip.
The APK file was not formatted correctly
Some possibilities are:
1. Not an APK?
2. Already signed?
3. APK had a comment. *I* write comments not you
Is this because of the dev environment or could this be what is happening out in production.
Our support team has had the merchants reinstalling the app which wipes out our logging.
2021_08_3x4x1updates-log file.txt