
bobbygill avatar image
bobbygill asked Raymond Lee Deactivated commented

Clover Mini (2nd Generation) passcode not accepted after system update

I have a Clover Mini (2nd Generation) and prior to installing the latest system update I was able to use the device with my existing sandox accounts as setup in the sandbox portal. However, upon installing the latest system update this morning I can no longer log into the device. Every passcode for all employees I have setup in the sandbox portal is being rejected. Prior to installing the update I was able to login with any of the passcodes. My other Clover Mini (1st generation) devices don't seem to be impacted. I have tried changing the pass code from the portal and the Mini 2nd generation will not accept my passcode.
Clover MiniSandboxEmployees
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1 Answer

Jeffrey Blattman avatar image
Jeffrey Blattman answered Raymond Lee Deactivated commented
I'd suggest you factory reset. You can do this by tapping 8x on the clock on the lockscreen. You'll then need to enter your "factory reset code", which is the last activation code used.
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bobbygill avatar image bobbygill commented ·

How would I find the activation code I used on the device? I just typed it in at the time and didn't write it down for posterity. I am unable to see the activation code anymore in the Manage Dev Kits menu either. Should I disassociate it and re-associate it?

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