
adenarb1 avatar image
adenarb1 asked danacormick edited

Reset Clover Mini for a New Sandbox Account

I bought a used Clover Mini, thinking I could reset it and activate it with my Sandbox account. Now, I can't figure out how to factory reset it without the admin password. I asked the previous owner several times, but they wouldn't tell me. I don't want to pay $700 when I already bought a perfectly fine reader. Is there a way to factory reset it without the admin pin. Will there be a way to add it to my developer account?

clover developer communityClover MiniSandbox
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natalieclover avatar image
natalieclover answered


I see someone has responded to you via Thanks for sending this there as well!

I may post the resolution here for others to see in the future as well.



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vphan avatar image
vphan answered

Hi can you please share the answer here. I also need to reset a used Clover Mini for sandbox development. THanks

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danacormick avatar image
danacormick answered danacormick edited

So pity. I also don't know how to solve. The only way is to contact with support team.

Edited by slope 2 hours ago

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