question avatar image asked David Marginian edited

Duplicated external ID - double charge issue

Hi, I'm using Remote Pay iOS for Semi-integration vis SNPD app.
In my development environment, If I used the duplicate external ID, the payment process will be failed.

However, in the real-world, my customer got the duplicated payment (same External ID: 373). So their end-customer disputed about this double charge.


I don't know how the payment success with the same external ID.

Please help!

semi-integrationssecure network pay displayRemote Pay iOS
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian edited

External id is an id that you provide, we do some very minimal validation (we don't allow for back to back payments with the same external id, but there are some caveats to this) but it is generally your responsibility to provide a unique external id for each transaction. You should read through our best practices for details on steps you can take in your POS to avoid these types of situations -

Generally, in a duplicate payment scenario the payment is initiated a second time because the person operating the POS didn't realize the payment was successful. Why? Is it possible the connection dropped and you never received a final response? You should test that scenario and others and use the techniques described in our best practices to recover.

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