
hiteshr avatar image
hiteshr asked David Marginian Deactivated commented

Getting a 403 for order/orderId/pay

Hi, we were testing out our application on production and when we were trying to pay for the order via the /v1/orders/orderId/pay endpoint, we're getting a 403 error. As far as I could search the forums for the error we think the problem here is, we don't have the customers read permissions on the prod yet.

When we were testing the app on sandbox env, I think we didn't require the customers read permission. Right now we have the customers read in our sandbox as well which we had turned on for some other purpose(if I remember correctly). Is the customers read permission something that has recently been added to the pay endpoint? We don't need expandable fields while paying.

Is there any other way we could pay for the order using source without that permission? I see even the order read requires customer permissions.

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered David Marginian Deactivated commented

"When we were testing the app on sandbox env, I think we didn't require the customers read permission."

The permissions required across environments are the same. Currently, customer's read permission is required to pay for an order.

"Is the customers read permission something that has recently been added to the pay endpoint?"


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hiteshr avatar image hiteshr commented ·

I'm posting our app id as well as a viewable only by moderators post. We have requested for the customer's read permission, can you please tell us when can we expect the permission to be approved?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ hiteshr commented ·

Fulfilling requests like this is out of the scope of this forum. Please contact

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