I just have my merchant ID and access-token and I want to build a payment method using Clover iframe with these in my website. Can we do that without using app / developer app
I just have my merchant ID and access-token and I want to build a payment method using Clover iframe with these in my website. Can we do that without using app / developer app
If you are building a solution for a single merchant, yes. If you are building a solution for multiple merchants, no (in this case your app needs to be in the Clover App Market and go through our approval process).
Can you guide me through, how we can achieve for single merchant!? Thanks I’m advance
First, I recommend creating a sandbox account (https://docs.clover.com/docs/setup-clover-sandbox-account). During the account creation process you will create a test merchant. From your developer account you change contexts to your merchant dashboard via the drop-down at the top of the page. You can then create a token via Setup -> API Tokens.
Can we use this API Token in the Clover SDK and create clover instance like const clover = new Clover(API Token) ; and initiate my customer input form for creating card token.
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