
revanth avatar image
revanth asked David Marginian commented

Can we integrate the Clover payment iframe in a website for a merchant without using an app. With just merchant token and mId

I just have my merchant ID and access-token and I want to build a payment method using Clover iframe with these in my website. Can we do that without using app / developer app

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian commented

If you are building a solution for a single merchant, yes. If you are building a solution for multiple merchants, no (in this case your app needs to be in the Clover App Market and go through our approval process).

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revanth avatar image revanth commented ·

Can you guide me through, how we can achieve for single merchant!? Thanks I’m advance

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ revanth commented ·

First, I recommend creating a sandbox account ( During the account creation process you will create a test merchant. From your developer account you change contexts to your merchant dashboard via the drop-down at the top of the page. You can then create a token via Setup -> API Tokens.

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revanth avatar image revanth David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Can we use this API Token in the Clover SDK and create clover instance like const clover = new Clover(API Token) ; and initiate my customer input form for creating card token.

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