
ans avatar image
ans asked ritamorrison edited

REST API's issue

We are developing an application to be used as third party app on clover device(currently station duo). We are testing things using sandbox on Android studio emulator(station 2018 setup) for development and also got a devkit(station duo / station pro) and installed app apk on it which is working.

Regarding the payments processing, we have used REST API's to develop display order and charge a payment. These are working correctly on the emulator after installing Cloud Pay Display app on the emulator. When we try to install Cloud Pay Display app on the devkit by connecting it from Preview App Market, it is not being installed on the devkit device as it's availability doesn't include clover station duo / station pro.

1 - How can we consume REST API's in our application for a clover station duo payments? If Cloud Pay Display or REST Pay Display apps are not available for station duo then any other server app available to work?

2 - What is the alternative approach to use REST API's for clover station duo?

3 - Is there a way to access clover station duo remotely from different region. (like Anydesk is used to access windows platform remotely).

REST APIclover developer communitystation pro
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parquet76 avatar image
parquet76 answered ans commented

The very first few sentences of the Clover rest pay API docs state "REST Pay Display API provides a simple interface for your point of sale (POS) application to accept payments on a Clover Flex or Clover Mini". If you want to integrate with a station you aren't using the correct API, I believe you would need to build an on device integration.

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ans avatar image ans commented ·

@ parquet76

So, there is no way to use REST API's with clover station duo application development then what approach is recommended to build an on device integration?

Is it mandatory to build different apps for merchant facing screen & customer facing screen or possible to handle both screen flows in single app?

Can we access clover devkit devices remotely from different regions if we could sideload any third party app into devkit?

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ritamorrison avatar image
ritamorrison answered ritamorrison edited

I think the alternative approach for using REST APIs on a Clover Station Duo is to leverage the Clover Connector SDK. The Clover Connector SDK is a powerful library provided by Clover that enables you to interact with the Clover device and perform various operations, including payment processing, fnaf 2, order management, and inventory management.

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