I am unable to read employees on my emulated Clover device from the Clover API using an EmployeeConnector.
I have uploaded my APK to the Clover sandbox with the same package name I'm using during development. I have enabled the permission to read employees within my application's Clover settings. I have downloaded the application to my emulator using the Clover Marketplace which should have synchronized the permissions. My APK meets all requirements described
here aside from being a production APK; I develop using a build variant with a ".debug" application Id suffix. However, I do not see a non-production APK being an issue in a non-production sandbox.
Then, as guided by Clover, I sideload my build with the same packaged name onto the emulator. Still, when calling EmployeeConnector::getEmployee(EmployeeCallback<Employee>), I receive the service failure status "FORBIDDEN" with the message "App doesn't have required permission: <package_name> does not have permission EMPLOYEES_R".
Any assistance resolving this issue is appreciated.
Thank you.