
ivan-canales avatar image
ivan-canales asked David Marginian commented

Payment notification not sent to webhook

I subscribed to Inventory, Order, Payment events on the sandbox. Notifications are sent to I am receiving events for the order and item but not for payments.

I am using the REST API endpoint


with mId BQK6WVCRQ8931 to create the payment for my order 0RZDBTDEG5ET4. I get a notification when creating the order but not for the payment. However I can use


and I can see the payment listed. But no event on my webhook.

My App ID is FPN8HDJ8Z7BC6.

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian commented

I don't believe our Developer Pay API (which is deprecated) fires webhooks. I think our new ecomm API does (but I am not certain and can't test it now).

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ivan-canales avatar image ivan-canales commented ·

Thanks for the quick reply.

I also tried using


and no webhook event either.

Also does that mean that users using an old POS device or using the old API will not send payment data when they connect? Is there a way to make sure we get the data everytime?

Edit: I tested with the E-Commerce API and it is sending the webhook notification. I still wonder what happens if a merchant has an old POS. Will those send the notification?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ ivan-canales commented ·

No, there is nothing you can do if we don't call the webhook. Developer Pay is deprecated and the majority of our integrators are moving over to our new Ecomm APIs, which does fire a payment hook. The /v3/merchants/mId/orders/orderId/payments end point creates a payment record in our system and is used by apps that are taking payments outside of Clover (3rd party tenders) hence we do not fire a payment hook. I am not sure what you mean by "old POS device", payments taken on all Clover POSs should fire a webhook.

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ivan-canales avatar image ivan-canales David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Do you know a percentage of people using the older APIs? We would like to know what margin of the merchants we will not cover in this cases. Maybe it would be best to implement a workaround for people using older APIs, for example polling.

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