
bobbygill avatar image
bobbygill asked shehryar-hashmi commented

405 Error on Ecommerce API for Payment

Sometimes we are getting random 405 error from Clover payment API.

When we try to add payment method to customer, it throws "405 PUT not allowed" sometimes. Its totally inconsistent and we are not getting that error every time.

FYI : I am using end point for that as mentioned on above reference document. => Paying for createdorder

It happens same with Order Pay API endpoint when we try to pay for existing order. Here we are getting "405 POST not allowed".


NOTE: Both errors are random and we are not getting this error every time.

Orderse-commerce api
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered shehryar-hashmi commented

The only time I have seen this is when the url is incorrect. For example when trying to pay for an order but using orders/orderId/pay with a PUT. Unless you can provide some specifics on the requests that are failing I can't help much.

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bobbygill avatar image bobbygill commented ·

URL is correct as we are not getting this error every time. Most of the time we are getting success from API. This failed only few times and its very inconsistent. There is no specific request when it throws this error.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ bobbygill commented ·

Hmm, I use the Ecomm API a lot, and I have never seen this error when my request was correct. Looking at our code base I only see a single usage of 405, when you would expect. I also cannot find a scl related 405 anywhere in our logs over the last 5 days. If you could provide me with an order id and ~time this happened I could look in more detail, but otherwise, I don't have much to go on.

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shehryar-hashmi avatar image shehryar-hashmi commented ·

Hello @david Marginian

Please Reply here, I'm also facing same issue.
I'm using production version and not able to make payment using{merchantid}/orders/{orderid}/pay

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