
souvikbose avatar image
souvikbose asked David Marginian edited

Unable to pay "v1/orders/**/pay" || Unable to create order "v1/orders"

I am creating orders from


While paying for the same created order with :

" "
It says


"message": "500 Internal Server Error",

"error": {

"type": "api_error",

"code": "processing_error",

"message": "Internal Server Error."



Token is generated with the following APIs


I am also unable to create orders from the follwoing v1 api

It says:


"message": "404 Not Found",

"error": {

"code": "processing_error",

"message": "Not Found"



Need urgent help. Thanks in advance

Orderse-commerce api
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian edited

For the endpoint, it looks like the order you are trying to pay for has no line items.

For the endpoint, you are passing a customer of "123456789", which does not exist.

10 |2000

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souvikbose avatar image souvikbose commented ·

procreating the order i am using the following request body:

{"customers":[{"merchant":{"id":"xxxxxxxxxxxx"},"orders":[],"metadata":{},"id":"cust12345","firstName":"Souvik","lastName":"Bose","marketingAllowed":true}],"lineItems":[{"item":{"id":"4DR5FK58ZVK6P"},"exchangedLineItem":{},"refund":{"orderRef":{},"device":{},"payment":{},"employee":{},"overrideMerchantTender":{},"serviceChargeAmount":{},"germanInfo":{},"appTracking":{},"cardTransaction":{"extra":{},"vaultedCard":{}},"transactionInfo":{"identityDocument":{"payment":{}},"promotionalMessage":{},"eCommTransactionInfo":{"storedCredentials":{}},"sepaElvTransactionInfo":{}},"merchant":{}},"printGroup":{},"id":"1","name":"Green Apple","price":20,"priceWithModifiers":20,"priceWithModifiersAndItemAndOrderDiscounts":20,"unitQty":1,"unitName":"lb","itemCode":"ITEM001","printed":true}]}

Now I have two questions :
1. Is it necessary to have line items registered / listed in my inventory ?
2. can you please provide me simple order create request body that contains customer details / line items and other necessary parameters only

Thank you

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ souvikbose commented ·

1) I believe so.

2) Let's start with you passing items that exist and valid customer ids that exist.

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souvikbose avatar image souvikbose David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Order Create request body:

{"lineItems":[{"item":{"id":"E01TGGH1M2VPP"},"exchangedLineItem":{},"refund":{"orderRef":{},"device":{},"payment":{},"employee":{},"overrideMerchantTender":{},"serviceChargeAmount":{},"germanInfo":{},"appTracking":{},"cardTransaction":{"extra":{},"vaultedCard":{}},"transactionInfo":{"identityDocument":{"payment":{}},"promotionalMessage":{},"eCommTransactionInfo":{"storedCredentials":{}},"sepaElvTransactionInfo":{}},"merchant":{}},"printGroup":{},"id":"1","name":"Cheese cake","alternateName":"Dessert","price":4.95,"priceWithModifiers":4.95,"priceWithModifiersAndItemAndOrderDiscounts":4.95,"unitQty":1,"unitName":"pc.","itemCode":"E01TGGH1M2VPP","printed":true}],"testMode":true,"payType":"FULL","taxRemoved":true}
This is my new order request body .. The order is getting created but same issue with the payment api

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