i have receive webhook Verification Code but not getting any event when change item
i have receive webhook Verification Code but not getting any event when change item
What is your app id? What type of item are you changing and how are you changing it?
My app id is P86EQAEFKHPV0 on sandbox account. I add, edit items on https://sandbox.dev.clover.com/inventory/m/81PYZJGR2RR21/items and https://sandbox.dev.clover.com/v3/merchants/81PYZJGR2RR21/items api
Hi David,
Thanks for reply.
when I add or update item I get page not found with location http://521985df70d1.ngrok.io/https://521985df70d1.ngrok.io/apis/clover_webhook/add. Can you help me to post data to the webhook URL https://521985df70d1.ngrok.io/apis/clover_webhook/add.
This problem appears to be your ngrok configuration. I am not sure exactly what you are doing but maybe this will help - https://community.clover.com/questions/23910/problem-with-webhooks-using-django.html.
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