I am using Secure Network Pay Display app to run RefundPaymentRequest on a CreditSale. But the Secure Network Pay display app is crashing once we call CloverConnector.RefundPayment(request). May I know what had crashed the app, I have added my sample code here.
var refundRequest = new RefundPaymentRequest(); refundRequest.PaymentId = paymentID; refundRequest.OrderId = originalPayment.order.id; refundRequest.Amount = AmountTotal; refundRequest.FullRefund = AmountTotal >= originalPayment.amount; refundRequest.DisablePrinting = DisablePrinting; refundRequest.DisableReceiptSelection = DisableReceiptOptions; foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> items in RegionalExtras) { refundRequest.Extras[items.Key] = items.Value; } DeviceConnector.RefundPayment(refundRequest);
Thanks in advance.