
tombialy avatar image
tombialy asked tcrane987 commented

Changing Service Plan Does not work in Dashboard

We are trying to set service plan for the test merchant H1ZX51YNH76Q1 to "Payments Plus Bundle" in Web Dashboard. Unfortunately, after clicking the "Change Plan" on the button associated with the "Register Bundle" and then clicking "Switch to bundle" nothing changes and we are still on the free plan "Payments Plus Bundle".

I believe that we accidentally selected "Payments Plus Bundle" when connecting our Development Kit workstation which could be a reason for the issue.

Please let us know if we can change the plan ourselves or need Clover's development team help. We are quite stuck because basic plan does not allow Apps.

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tcrane987 avatar image tcrane987 commented ·

I am receiving a "something went wrong" error when trying to access my inventory tab on my dashboard. Not sure if it's related but I had temporarily switched my service plan to payments plus and shortly after this happened. My test merchant is B9J4NNJYYX3C11662640951753.png

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tombialy avatar image
tombialy answered

It seems that over the weekend, plan on my account got changed. Thanks a lot for your help.

1591627999274.png (344.3 KiB)
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tombialy avatar image
tombialy answered

Again, thanks a lot. R

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