
superdave avatar image
superdave asked David Marginian edited

(SANDBOX) NEW Windows-based POS development using Remote-pay-windows version 4.0.3

Hi support,

I am developing a new Windows based POS, instead of creating a brand new APP, am decided to use Cloud Pay Display as the APP with all 7 permission, and using Remote-Pay-Windows in C# development.

In this POS, I need reporting, by Employee and by Customer spending history, as well as connecting to Clover MINI as card reader.

I was reading the github page, and all it was describing is how to send payment to the connected Clover device.

I am wondering, is the Remote-Pay-Windows package includes classes and functions to obtain information from Employee, Customer and Merchant Info?

Since this is a windows-based POS, and e-commerce oauth 2.0 flow (with redirect URL) will not work anymore. What is the best practice for Windows-based POS development?

Thank you,


CustomersMerchantEmployeesRemote Pay Windows
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian edited
"am decided to use Cloud Pay Display as the APP with all 7 permission, and using Remote-Pay-Windows in C# development."

What? Are you using Remote Pay Cloud or Remote Pay Windows?

The Remote Pay SDKs are designed to allow an external POS to take payments on a Clover device. Gathering data for reporting is beyond that scope. If you need to do those types of queries you will use our REST APIs.

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superdave avatar image superdave commented ·

Thank you.

I will use REST APIs, for windows-based development.

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