
prashant92 avatar image
prashant92 asked Lee Tickett answered

How to get customer info in android app using clover android studio

I am using android clover SDK. I am getting merchant info, payment info, order id. But not customer info.
How to get customer information if customer is there while creating order.
Clover Android SDKCustomersMerchant
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Lee Tickett avatar image
Lee Tickett answered
If you have an order object from the order connector just use order.getCustomers()
Alternatively you can use the CustomerConnector directly;
CustomerConnector c = new CustomerConnector(mContext, sAccount, null);
c.getCustomers() or c.getCustomers(query) or c.getCustomer(id)
Please search these forums, there are lots of examples.
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Asael avatar image
Asael answered Suraj Dubey commented
I'm inetersted into this too, thanks for asking.
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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

Suraj Dubey avatar image Suraj Dubey commented ·

Do you want customer info for the order transaction ?

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