
voicy avatar image
voicy asked David Marginian edited

Installed Merchants Details are not displaying in Clover developer dashboard

Hello Guys,

A few days back we got two merchants who installed my application. We are using OWNER API to check the merchants list. When I checked into the clover developer account Install section to check for which plan they opted. Strangely, the merchant details are not available in the dashboard. Through the OWNER API I can see the merchant details and they are using my application. I didn't understanding what is going wrong with merchants. Cam anyone please help me with this.

Thanks in advance.

App MarketAPI TokenMerchant
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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Can you please clarify your question? What do you see in the installs section? Do you see "We couldn't find any merchants matching your query."? Can you provide your developer and app id in a private post?

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian edited

Per the nested comments, the merchant you provided installed your application and then removed it 15 minutes later. The dashboard is correctly reflecting that. If you would like to provide details on the API call that contradicts this information, please do so and I can look into it for you.

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