
Glenn Kreisel avatar image
Glenn Kreisel asked Glenn Kreisel answered

App Install process is flawed..

When a clover merchant installs a Clover App from the market place.
They are not forced to "OPEN" the app. That is the issue.
So a merchant can install the APP and start to get billed for the app but the developer (me) can not access the customer information or setup an account in our Database because the only information we get sent at App Install time is MERCHANT ID with no Authentication key...
At the APP Install Web Hook event how do I get the auth code to retrieve the customers information and setup access to their data via the Clover API?

App MarketAPI TokenMerchant
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1 Answer

Glenn Kreisel avatar image
Glenn Kreisel answered
Clover initiates the monthly billing at App Install time.
10 |2000

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

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