
admin-1 avatar image
admin-1 asked zgreathouse Deactivated edited

Generate a production token with control access

In this post they mention that there are three way to get the Production Toke
There are three ways of generating a secure token:
  1. OAuth, standard for webapps deployed in the Clover app market
  2. From a Clover Android App
  3. From the merchant dashboard > Setup App > API Tokens (Should be used for testing purposes only)
We are creating a Store Front for our Clover Account and it is going to be only for our Business, we are not planing to provide it as a service to others Clovers's customers, that is why we need just our merchant production token.
My question is how can we generate a production token with control access without the needs of submit a Clover app to the Clover Market Place, because for what I understood Clover Apps is to provide the same service to others Clover accounts but in our case we just building a Store Front only for our own Clover merchant

They way #2 From a Clover Android App looks like we do not need a Clover App but we do not understand how can we use it

Other question is that In case we need a Clover app, how long the approval process take ?

App MarketAPI TokenMerchant
10 |2000

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

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