
usunyu avatar image
usunyu asked usunyu commented

Test card not working with Clover Mini Devkit

Hi, I have ordered Clover Mini Devkit here, it comes with a test card (6011 3610 0000 6668), and I build remote-pay-android-example-pos app into my Android Tablet.

And here is my steps:

1. Connect tablet with clover min, choose "USB Clover Connector";

2. Click "New Order" button, create a order choose "Sale", click "Continue";

3. Swipe the test card, click "Credit" button;


5. I also tested with my true credit card, it is working.

And my question is how can I make the test card working? Thank you!

semi-integrationsDevKitSaleUSB Pay Display
10 |2000

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered usunyu commented

I believe there is something going on with the gateway emulator on sandbox, we are looking into it. In the meantime try transactions > 50 dollars, they should go through fine.

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usunyu avatar image usunyu commented ·

Hi David, thank you, make an order larger than $50 is working.

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