
araskin avatar image
araskin asked Frank Faustino Deactivated edited

ECommerce & Card Present

We would like to integrate with Clover for ECommerce and Card Present transactions. However, we would like to being with a phased approach where we do the eCommerce first and then follow up with Card Present.

Should we...

1. Create an App in the Dashboard for eCommerce only and then later add a 2nd app? Or can we create a single app and then update it later for the POS integration?



App Markete-commerce api
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

You can create a single-app and I am guessing that is what you want to do. You will want to select "Is this app an integration of an existing point of sale?" and choose REST clients -> web. Please contact for more information and fill out this form to start the process -

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