
davedreyer avatar image
davedreyer asked davedreyer edited

Cannot disassociate devkit device from merchant

I have a DevKit device that I can't disassociate from a merchant. In the DevKits tab, on the developer account dashboard, the device doesn't even appear in the list of associated devices. However the device shows up on the Devices tab under the merchant I want to remove the device from. When I try to associate the device with a new merchant, I get an error that says "Invalid request: That device is already activated". I've tried factory resetting the device and it doesn't fix the problem. The device reboots and I am emailed a reactivation code for the merchant I want to disassociate from. Thanks for any help that can be provided.

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered davedreyer edited

We believe this issue is now resolved. Can you please try associating this device to your preffered merchant? Keep me posted of the result.

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered davedreyer commented

In a private post can you provide us with the merchant ids of the current merchant and the merchant you would like to associate the devkit to?

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