In a scenario where the user's card only has $2.00 and we try to Pre-Auth for $5.00, what will be the responses given?
Also, how to test this on the Sandbox environment? Any test card numbers?
In a scenario where the user's card only has $2.00 and we try to Pre-Auth for $5.00, what will be the responses given?
Also, how to test this on the Sandbox environment? Any test card numbers?
I just tested this and you can use the "Approve for partial amount" card number in the link I posted to test this ( The cvv and expiration need to be entered but their value does not matter as long as the expiration is in the future.
I tried it and the customer facing Clover device will return a message:
"Partial Authorization for $amount, continue with transaction?"
Your POS will then receive a successful (if the customer hit yes) preAuthResponse, in which case you will need to confirm the amount in the returned payment is the complete amount.
Good question. We have some information on testing partial-auths but nothing on pre-auths. Let me research this and get back to you, in the meantime here are some resources:
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