
Nimila Hiranya avatar image
Nimila Hiranya asked David Marginian Deactivated edited

Pre-Auth amount higher than what's available on card

In a scenario where the user's card only has $2.00 and we try to Pre-Auth for $5.00, what will be the responses given?

Also, how to test this on the Sandbox environment? Any test card numbers?

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered David Marginian Deactivated edited

I just tested this and you can use the "Approve for partial amount" card number in the link I posted to test this ( The cvv and expiration need to be entered but their value does not matter as long as the expiration is in the future.

I tried it and the customer facing Clover device will return a message:

"Partial Authorization for $amount, continue with transaction?"

Your POS will then receive a successful (if the customer hit yes) preAuthResponse, in which case you will need to confirm the amount in the returned payment is the complete amount.

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered

Good question. We have some information on testing partial-auths but nothing on pre-auths. Let me research this and get back to you, in the meantime here are some resources:

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