
kcinfuse avatar image
kcinfuse asked David Marginian commented

Voiding Preauth Request via SDK

Currently doing a preauth flow using the payment connector.

Ideal flow:

Preauth a transaction for a certain amount, then make a sale with that amount. The sale should handle closing/voiding the initial pre-auth.

What I've done:

Via the SDK, I'm unable to capture the pre-auth if the order has more than one line item, so I've resorted to using

This seems to work fine, but it leaves the initial pre-authorization open. Is there a way to delete/void this preAuth after successful sale? I've tried using a VoidPaymentRequest but it hasn't worked because, I assume, a preauth transaction is different from a normal payment.

Clover Android SDKPaymentConnectorAuth
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian commented

You should be able to void a preauth. I am not sure what your problem is so perhaps providing some detail would help.

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kcinfuse avatar image kcinfuse commented ·

I tried using the VoidPaymentRequest route using the paymentConnector, but it just keeps saying that "void is null".

Also, if going the order connector route, it does seem like 3rd party devs shouldn't be able to void:

So, I'm guessing it's actually not possible to void a pre-auth programatically

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ kcinfuse commented ·


I just tried voiding a preauth and got the same error. I am looking into it and trying to find a solution for you.


Your are going to have to share your code, we have numerous automated tests that prove it is possible with our Remote Pay SDKs (and I don't see why PC would be any different). You are likely not building your request correctly. You must pass a paymentId, orderId, and a reason in the void request.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

I have written up an issue for this to be investigated, unfortunately, I am not certain if there are workarounds at this point.

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