
kcinfuse avatar image
kcinfuse asked kcinfuse published

Offline Cash Payment Refund

Using the payment connector's refundPayment method, I am able to refund a cash payment while the device is online. However, when I am offline, I get the error:

RefundPaymentResponse{json='{"message":"Refund failed","success":false,"result":"FAIL","refund":null}', bundle=null, changeLog=Bundle[{success=null, refund=null, result=null, message=null}]}
Tracing the error, it seems like it occurs when the PaymentRefundCardNotPresentActivity tries to make a POST request to the clover api:
I/SetupAsyncTask( 2066): doInBackground( PaymentRefundCardNotPresentActivity @41ecfd18 success: true isCancelled: false
I/SetupAsyncTask( 2066): onPostExecute( result:true, commonActivity: true
I/SetupAsyncTask( 2066): onPostExecute( PaymentRefundCardNotPresentActivity @41ecfd18 isFinishing: false, resumed: true
I/SetupAsyncTask( 2066): onPostExecute( PaymentRefundCardNotPresentActivity @41ecfd18 setup tasks took: 56ms
I/CloverOkHttpClient( 1830): execute( Starting POST to url:
D/dalvikvm( 2066): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1132K, 21% free 6664K/8380K, paused 4ms+5ms, total 62ms
D/AcceptLanguage( 1830): value=en-US
I/CloverOkHttpClient( 1830): execute( Exception occurred while processing request url:
W/System.err( 1830): com.clover.common.http.NetworkErrorException
W/System.err( 1830): 	at
W/System.err( 1830): 	at
W/System.err( 1830): 	at
W/System.err( 1830): 	at
W/System.err( 1830): 	at
W/System.err( 1830): 	at
W/System.err( 1830): 	at com.clover.engine.order.v3.OrderEndpoints.addRefundBlocking(
W/System.err( 1830): 	at com.clover.engine.order.v3.OrderBinderImpl.refund2(
W/System.err( 1830): 	at com.clover.engine.order.v3.OrderBinderV3_1.refund2(
W/System.err( 1830): 	at com.clover.sdk.v3.order.IOrderServiceV3_1$Stub.onTransact(
W/System.err( 1830): 	at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
W/System.err( 1830): 	at Method)
E/PaymentRefundCardNotPresentActivity( 2066): doInBackground( refund failed
E/PaymentRefundCardNotPresentActivity( 2066): com.clover.sdk.v1.ClientException: status code: 999

Is there a way to make the refundPayment offline for cash payments? It seems like I am able to do so in the native Transactions app while offline.
Clover Android SDKPaymentConnector
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