
Sukhbir Singh avatar image
Sukhbir Singh asked Sukhbir Singh commented

Need to retrieve only those transactions which have made by our application


I am using a payment connector to make the payment in my clover application. I want to show the payment transaction list in my application, so we have to need to retrieve only those transactions which have made by my application. Is there any way provided by the SDK for the same?

Also please suggest to me that if I use the "/v3/merchants/MID/payments" endpoint, In the API Is there any filter available to get only my application's transaction?


REST APIClover Android SDKPaymentConnector
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered Sukhbir Singh commented

If your app is initializing payments, good practice dictates that it would be aware of the payments it has initialized and their status. We have some best practices for our Clover Connector SDKs regarding this ( and they largely apply to Payment Connector or any other integration where you are initializing payments.

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Sukhbir Singh avatar image Sukhbir Singh commented ·

Hi David, Thanks for the response.

I have checked the link you provided, it is about Payment reconciliation and recovery. I have not any issue with the payment. payment is working fine. I just want to know that how can we retrieve only those payment lists which were done successfully by my application like as we can retrieve all transactions with the help of payments API, and can filter at our end on the basis of app tracking. I just want to confirm that, Does clover provides any filter related to app tracking while facing the payments list from Clover's payments API?

Also, I just want to know that can we get all payments list with the help of Clover SDK?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ Sukhbir Singh commented ·

externalPaymentId is the field that can be used by 3rd parties to set their systems payment id. I would think if your system is initializing payments that you would already be generating a unique id, setting it as the externalPaymentId, and storing that information.

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Sukhbir Singh avatar image Sukhbir Singh David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

In SaleRequest we have not any method with the name of externalPaymentId, We have a method setExternalId, are both the same?

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