David, it's not time issue. It was long enough (more than 20 minutes) and the refund status has been shown up in "Transactions" app of clover long time ago. Right now we are reluctant to use REST API because our pos app is ios based and can't be installed into clover device and that's why we talk to remote pay network app to communicate with clover device. Thus it would be really difficult for us to get API token for each merchant pro grammatically. (We have to go through every merchant to ask them creating API token manually through their dashboard, which is really painful). Since in the API document from clover STATES that the "refunds" is an array object inside "payment" object, I believe it's a bug need to be fixed in your ios SDK to make it pass correct refund data. Thanks.
I will look into it and create an internal issue if necessary.
Right now we are reluctant to use REST API because our pos app is ios based and can't be installed into clover device and that's why we talk to remote pay network app to communicate with clover device.
What? You can make a REST call from your iOS POS. You would NOT be using merchant tokens you would be following our OAUTH2 process. Your app would have to follow the flow (require the merchant to login, etc.) and then you could securely store the token (1 year expiration).
David, good to know we can get 1 year token from OAuth process. However,almost all of our customers (restaurant owners) are just using clover device as their credit card processing hardware. All they do every day are charging the card, close out on deivce and then check the balance from monthly statement (paper mail). 90% of them never logon clover dashboard before. They don't know the login process and they wont even bother using it. So to get them authorize our app through oauth process we have to educate them how to logon to their account. Anyway, it's not a good trade off for us to just get refund status of a payment. It's a pretty simple demand and I just hope your ios SDK can have it in future version. Thanks a lot.
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