
davedreyer avatar image
davedreyer asked davedreyer commented

Voiding a refund through javascript remote pay sdk

Hello. We are developing a semi integration with Clover through the javascript remote pay sdk (v. 3.0) using the Cloud Pay Display integration method through Clover's servers (vs a direct connection).

We are trying to add support for voiding a refund transaction. I'm getting this response immediately back from the remote pay sdk:

    "success": false,
    "reason": "Cannot do Void Payment Refund",
    "message": "This version of the SDK does not support voidPaymentRefunds",
    "refund": null

I looked in the SDK and it looks like the CloverConnector.voidPaymentRefund() method immediately calls the response callback passing in the above reason, message, and success message, so an error response is immediately returned. So is voiding a refund currently not a supported transaction path, and if so, are there plans to support voiding a refund?

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered davedreyer commented

Voiding a refund is not currently possible. I believe there are some issues at the Gateway, which is why this isn't and won't be supported in the US. It will be available in other regions that support it at a later time.

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davedreyer avatar image davedreyer commented ·

@David Marginian Thanks for clear response. I'm curious if this will be supported in Canada at some point? We are doing an integration for Canada next. Thanks!

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ davedreyer commented ·

I believe it will be at some point. I don't have an ETA.

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davedreyer avatar image davedreyer David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Okay thanks!

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