
Yasin Shuman avatar image
Yasin Shuman asked Yasin Shuman commented

Testing Patches prior to app market update

Hi Clover Team,

We had a merchant attempt to configure our app and they keep getting the error "can't access inventory". The merchant has over 500 items according to them so we thought it might be a problem similar to the one this dev had here:

We have worked on a fix and want to roll it out but our concern is we werent able to replicate the error the merchant was having prior to or after our fix. When we submit our update to the app market, is there a way you guys can replicate all the conditions of that merchants setup and see if our solution worked?

I can provide the merchants info directly to you if that is a possibility. We want to ensure we dont disappoint this merchant.

App MarketInventory
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1 Answer

james-cha avatar image
james-cha Deactivated answered Yasin Shuman commented

We wouldn't do anything different with testings than what you could do. If you think it's the same or similar issue with having a large inventory then please test by having an inventory as large as or larger than theirs.


Are more than one merchant having this issue?
Can they reach their full inventory using our inventory app?

1 comment
10 |2000

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Yasin Shuman avatar image Yasin Shuman commented ·

no, so far its only the one merchant. we made an inventory in a test merchant account that had 650 items and didnt experience the issue. they said they have approx. 500 items and are experiencing it.

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