
joselp21 avatar image
joselp21 asked Jeffrey Blattman commented

Clover Flex Camera.

I have developed an application that is currently under approval, the app use the camera of the devices to scan QR codes, I have tested the app in a clover mini and I have emulated a flex device (using android studio) to test the app, and all is ok in both cases, but the approval team is telling me that the application in the flex device is not recognizing the QR code. There are some limitations in the camera of the flex device?

Clover Flex
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Jeffrey Blattman avatar image
Jeffrey Blattman answered Jeffrey Blattman commented
A colleague noted that you may not be using Clover's barcode scanner? You might have better luck if you use Clover's barcode scanner. See the BarcodeScanner class in the SDK.

Flex's camera is only .3 megapixel (640x480) so it's not going to perform as well as a smartphone camera. In general ensuring your code is printed a large as possible and as low a desnity as possible will help the matter.
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joselp21 avatar image joselp21 commented ·
Yes, I'm using my own barcode scanner, I going to try using the class in the sdk
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Jeffrey Blattman avatar image Jeffrey Blattman ♦♦ joselp21 commented ·

Forget to mention an important point... Clover's scanner is only going to work on Clover devices. It's implemented as a service provided in our devices only and the SDK class is only a wrapper around that.

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chanel avatar image
chanel Deactivated answered
Hi @joselp21. When you are emulating a Clover Device, there are lot limitations when attempting to use the hardware features. It's very possible that the camera is one of these limitations. The only way to ensure that your app works is to test on an official Clover Dev Kit.

You can also provide the code that is used to scan QR codes (along with a sample QR code and the expected behavior when used within your app).
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