
dhana avatar image
dhana asked sandpack commented

Custom receipt printing

Hi @zgreathouse & Team

Could you please help me to print Extra data along with final payment receipt, Im using custom tender to create order and submit line items for payments, in the end i have achieved the Successful payment of orders along with Order details , additional charges etc, But my requirement is i need to Pass my custom text as an additional data to be printed along with the final receipt, is this possible ?

I have gone through lot of forum questions and many developer replies regarding the Custom print job, and tried this sample as well - using this github link

but all of attempt gone in vein, Please advice me how to Print Custom receipt with order details and my custom text to get printed finally, i need to add "Your Room number 401" like that in the custom receipt along with orders, Please help to achieve this im getting stuked up here.

Thanks in advance.
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1 Answer

ntlygens avatar image
ntlygens answered sandpack commented
From your WebDashboard, in your application settings, you can set custom receipt options.
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dhana avatar image dhana commented ·

I want to print the receipt dynamically not a static text from Admin entry

for Example if the payment has done i need to print the Customer room number 104 has paid , Room number 106 has paid like that, the dynamic value comes from our Server and we need to post it in payment receipt

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sandpack avatar image sandpack dhana commented ·

Did you accomplish that?

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