
brianjoe avatar image
brianjoe asked brianjoe commented

Custom Tender Integration

Prior to starting development, I wanted to verify that this integration of custom tenders would be approved by Clover + not violate the app market policies.

We want to create a Clover app that listens for incoming orders from a third-party REST API. These orders will already be paid using a different service, since we're going to make the use of the Clover app optional. On receiving and accepting an order in the Clover app, the order would then be created using the Clover REST API + marked as paid via a custom tender.

This sounds like it would adhere to the app market policies, since there are no in-app payments and app acquirement would be free. However, this comment introduced some doubt and wanted to hear from someone at Clover just to make sure:
OrdersREST APIClover Station
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brianjoe avatar image brianjoe commented ·
Can someone from Clover help out with this?
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Lee Tickett avatar image
Lee Tickett answered
That comment is a little disconcerting, however there are tons of integrations like this and I am certain your app would be approved.

Out of interest were you intending to make this a web app or android app?

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brianjoe avatar image
brianjoe answered brianjoe commented
I was intending to make an Android app. I emailed Clover directly and they said that all the payments must go through their payment API :/.
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Lee Tickett avatar image Lee Tickett commented ·

The point is that your app isn't taking payments. Your orders are already paid and all your app is doing is integrating/replicating those orders from another system.

I'm still adamant you can do what you want to do.

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brianjoe avatar image brianjoe Lee Tickett commented ·

Yup, that was my original assumption. Maybe someone from Clover could help clarify why this isn't allowed? Maybe @Jeffrey Blattman

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