
Nirmal Jha avatar image
Nirmal Jha asked Jeffrey Blattman commented

How to keep order information showing while custom tender dialog popped up?

Hi Everyone,

We have created one custom tender for payment purpose, that opens on right half of screen as popup dialog. It is opening on click on custom tender but after dialog opened, order information from background screen of payment get disappeared. Is anyone faced the same issue and any resolution for the same?

Regular payment screen :

After custom tender clicked :

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1 Answer

Jeffrey Blattman avatar image
Jeffrey Blattman answered Jeffrey Blattman commented
Guessing it has to do with the fact that you are causing the Payments app to be paused and it just doesn't expect what you are doing. That being the case you are probably better off just taking over the entire screen.
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Akshay D avatar image Akshay D commented ·

Thanks for your response, @Jeffrey Blattman . I work with @Nirmal Jha on this project.

Just to add some context - what we are trying to do here is basically open a popup that allows the merchant to search for any reward that the eligible might be eligible for - select that reward (basically a discount) and apply it to the order.

In order to keep the merchant informed about the applied discount, we need to show the Payments app in the background.

So, the process would basically be -
- Select the Products in the Register app
- Go to the Payment page
- Merchant sees a custom tender - clicks on it
- A popup shows up. Merchant searches for the user in the popup and checks if the user is eligible for any reward
- Merchant selects a reward and confirms.
- The reward (a discount - percentage OFF or amount OFF) is applied to the Order and the popup closes.
- Merchant proceeds with payment confirmation.

I hope this helps.

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Jeffrey Blattman avatar image Jeffrey Blattman ♦♦ Akshay D commented ·

Got it. Removed my comment above.

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