
brokenoval avatar image
brokenoval asked zgreathouse Deactivated answered

Filter API by time doesn't seem to be working correctly

I've noted a couple of previous questions related to this query:

I'm trying to return orders greater than or equal to (>=) a specific time, but it doesn't seem to be working. Specifically, the equal to part doesn't work:>=1548437394000

I know there is an object that exists that looks something like this:
      "id": "XXXXXXXXXX", 
      "createdTime": 1548437394000, 
      "clientCreatedTime": 1548437393000, 
      "modifiedTime": 1548437394000, 

If I reduce the time by 1 sec and just do a greater than (>) call like this then I DO get my result:>=1548437393000

So it seems that putting the equals sign breaks the operation. Do I need to escape or convert the characters to url encoding manually to make this work?

Thanks in advance.
OrdersAPI Token
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