
rmgas avatar image
rmgas asked rmgas commented

REST API filter orders on createTime

I'm trying to pull orders between two createTime(s) so my logic is filtering on createTime >= (TIME AS LONG) and createTime <= (TIME AS LONG).

So far, I'm finding it'll let me filter on one or the other but not both so I can pull orders with a createTime > TIME OR createTime < TIME.

Has anyone else ran across this and if so, how'd you get around it?

Thanks in advance!

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Jeffrey Blattman avatar image
Jeffrey Blattman answered rmgas commented

No, you can't do an OR. This page describes what's possible:

In short, you can provide multiple conditions, but they are ANDed together (only).

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rmgas avatar image rmgas commented ·

I wasn't ever attempting to do an OR. My goal is to pull orders where createTime >= CUSTOMTIME AND createTime <= CUSTOMTIME2


Is this syntax not correct? Ignore the values I'm comparing against.

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rmgas avatar image rmgas commented ·

Appears to be working fine now. Thanks so much!

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rmgas avatar image
rmgas answered

I didn't find a solution, was apparently a bug.

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