
lnguyenvaporbeast avatar image
lnguyenvaporbeast asked zgreathouse Deactivated edited

How to import orders into Clover


At our company, we provide franchises with Clover equipments so that they can sell in a physical store, but sometimes franchises have their own websites as well and they want to import their sales from their websites into Clover so that products inventory in Clover can be updated

I looked around the docs and couldn't find any easy way to do this, i see that Clover has import inventory here:

But that is like a master inventory file, is there anything like a change file template? So that we can tell Clover that we just sold this product please update Clover's system?
App MarketInventory
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zgreathouse avatar image
zgreathouse Deactivated answered zgreathouse Deactivated edited
For Merchants we don't have a tool to import orders, as our architecture is set up to only house orders created through our platform. However developers can write a script which utilizes our REST API to create orders which match the data on orders not made through Clover.
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markwine avatar image
markwine answered
You can use the same inventory template to make changes in fields. If the Clover ID field is already there, then that product will be updated rather than created.
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