
radeksalsita avatar image
radeksalsita asked radeksalsita edited

Unable to associate a new device


we are trying to associate a new Flex device with our Sandbox account but inputting its SN and clicking Associate Device results in a couple of 404 errors. Furthermore, it is impossible to select anything in the Test Merchant dropdown because there are no options. The list is simply empty even though there are Merchants set in the system and three other devices are associated with them (these associations happened in the past).

These are not the only problems we're having with the Sandbox - it's currently also impossible to access Account Settings (this happens in the EU production environment too) and also we get logged out way too frequently without any apparent reason.

Thanks for your help.

Best regards,
Radek Zábranský
Salsita Software
Clover FlexSandboxMerchantDevKit
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1 Answer

zgreathouse avatar image
zgreathouse Deactivated answered radeksalsita edited
Depending on the Role assigned to you when invited by the Main Account, you are granted different permissions. To attain the permissions necessary to interface with the account as you described, have the Main Account edit your Role to "Admin."

Furthermore, you can only see another Member's Test Merchant if they have added you as an Employee to their Test Merchant.

As far as associating a new device, only the account who created the Test Merchant can associate devices to said Test Merchant.
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radeksalsita avatar image radeksalsita commented ·

Hello @zgreathouse,

first of all, thank you for your answer.

To clarify, the role of my account is Admin.

We tried to follow your advice but we are still unable to associate the device. Since we probably don't have access to the account that created the original Test Merchants, we tried to create a new one in hope to associate the device with it. Unfortunately, our tries have been followed with 401 errors.

We are trying to gain access to the original account. In the meantime, can you please help us with creating a new Test Merchant? Does Admin role not have permissions for this operation?

Best regards,

Radek Zábranský

Salsita Software

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radeksalsita avatar image radeksalsita commented ·

Hello @zgreathouse,

we managed to gain access to the original account and with it, it was easy to associate the device.

Thank you for your help.

Best regards,

Radek Zábranský

Salsita Software

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